Karen's profile picMy high school friends complained that I lived in my own little world, removed from reality. Boy, were they ever right! My world is populated with radical robots, damaged dolls, quirky creatures, and maniacal monsters. They materialize out of imagination and are ushered into this reality with metal, resin, clay, paint, and a shelf full of glue. They grow into magnets, notecards, figures, mint tins and seamless repeat surface patterns.

You’ll find pictures of my work on this website, along with tutorials and advice, free downloads of cool stuff, and even a few things for sale. Click on the “Buy My Stuff” link above to browse my products. I also have a shop at TrilbyWorks.etsy.com so if you can’t find something here, you might find it on Etsy!

Artist Statement

Karen Furst transforms found objects and household recycling items into radical robots, damaged dolls, quirky creatures, and maniacal monsters inspired by fantasy, folk tales, and dreams. Her work in assemblage and mixed media combines metal, hardware, resin, clay, and paint with a healthy dose of imagination and deep exploration into the furthest recesses of her psyche. Body parts are transformed from corks, coffee creamer caps, and popsicle sticks into heads, torsos and legs. Wire, aluminum foil, and wood dowels create an armature. Fabric scraps and orphaned beads adorn the figures along with paint, glitter, and other embellishments.

Where I’ve Been Published

I’ve been lucky to have my work published in a few magazines and books over the past few years.


To overcome blockage and get inspired, I clean and organize my studio. Sorting through my stash of fabric, found objects, embellishments, paints, and other items clears my head and my space and allows new ideas to come in. I inevitably find something interesting in my supplies that intrigues me enough to get started on a new project or to finish up an old one!